Hey Everyone! I Hope you all are doing well.

Dipanshu Sharma

The learning process of a task motivates me in exploring the new dimensions of life. An inquisitive person, a problem solver, and a team player. I am always willing to dive deep into problems for a novel solution. Stays a self-motivated and insightful person while working on my things. Experienced in working on startup products where I curated things from end to end.

Apart from being a developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. I enjoy mountain hiking and rafting.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technolgy advancements in the development world.

Experience & Projects

Software Engineer


Technologies: Java,SpringBoot,Kafka,Elastic,AWS,MySQL,API
Building the product with designing the system.Worked as a committed team player and handled the ownership of tasks achieving the efficient results. Worked in fintech and ecommerce domain.
Taking ownership and researching on technologies to achieve the objectives.
Worked with the team end-to-end to launch a new product on the market named Zillion(previously Payback India)

June 2022- Present

Software Engineer

Motherson Technology Services Limited

Exposure of working with diverse technologies.Use case based analysis and break down the problems in different control flows.
Understood the organizational and systems oriented culture of working.Automate the real life problems through robotic process automation.

Sep 2021- June 2022

Vehicle Automation using voice control

Creating a bridge between our cars and humans, equipped with anti-car theft management containing location tracker, voice control based air-conditioner, and window panes control. It can be controlled easily through simple voice commands say ”Windowpanes up” or ”Turn on the air conditioner”.
Tech Stack::Node MCU with ESP8266,IFTTT, Blynk Server,C++,Python,Flask,AWS.

Jan 2019 - Dec 2019

Vocabulary Enhancement Engine

Enhance your vocabulary by adding new words and retrieving the stored meanings.
This is being implemented using Java Hash Map, JDBC, and MySQL

Jul 2018 - Dec 2018


Thapar Institute Of Engineering and Technology, India

Integrated MBA in Information Systems and Finance
August 2016 - June 2021


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum


Apart from being a developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. I enjoy mountain hiking and rafting.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technolgy advancements in the development world.

Awards & Certifications

  • Earned Cloud Credentials: in SDE, Solution Architect, and DevOps Engineer career
    Secured IoT badge, understanding how networked connectivity of devices, systems, and services are changing the world around us.
  • Portfolio and Risk Management
    Earned certification in the course which is the part of Financial Markets and Investment Strategy Specialization.
    Indian School of Business(ISB)